Covers ceremonies on the Normandy coast, site of the allied invasion of 6 June 1944, attended by General of the Army Omar N. Bradley and several hundred United States veterans that were part of the invasion force. Units of American, French, Canadian, and British forces took part in the various ceremonies. Reel 1 - 1) Ceremonies at 0maha Beach where French, American and US National Guard Association flags are being raised; officials on platform; 16th USAF band playing; officials speaking and placing wreath at memorial. 2) Officials and spectators surrounding US Army 4th Infantry Division monument at Utah Beach and raising American and French flags. 3) Ceremonies in Saint-Lo with French Army, Navy, and Air Force units parading. 4) Officials and spectators surrounding US Army 4th Infantry Division monument at Utah Beach, and officials speaking. 5) US Army 2d Ranger Unit monument on top of bunker at Pointe Du Hoc; surf as seen from top of cliff, and two veterans talking together. 6) Sign: NORMANDY AMERICAN CEMETERY AND MEMORIAL. 7) Road sign: POINTE DU HOC. 8) US Army 4th Infantry Division monument at Utah Beach. 9) Displays of antiaircraft gun, Army duck, and Sherman tank at Utah Beach. 10) 1st Engineer Brigade monument at Utah Beach. 11) Farmhouse near Utah Beach. 12) Gun emplacements near Utah Beach. 13) Ceremonies in Saint-Lo with veterans parading, French Army troops facing parade route, British Navy, Marine and Army, and Royal Air Force (RAF) units; Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) and Canadian Army units; and US Army and US Air Force units parading. 721' Total footage in reel. Reel 2 - 1) American cemetery near Omaha Beach, veterans at memorial placing wreaths. 2) American and French flags on mast. 3) Omaha Beach at late afternoon. 4) Statue at American cemetery, also headstones in the cemetery. 5) American flag on mast. 6) French flag on mast. 7) Veterans outside museum near Omaha Beach. 8) Parade at Omaha Beach with US Army 8th Infantry Division band, British Army band, French band; and US Army, British Army, and Canadian Army units. 277' Total footage in reel. Reel 3 - 1) Ceremonies at Utah Beach as US 4th Infantry Division monuments are dedicated, veterans around monument, and US Army and British Army units parading. 2) Ceremonies at Omaha Beach with the raising of US National Guard Association flag; officials speaking and laying wreaths; US Army Maj Gen James F. Cantwell lighting torch; French torch-bearers leaving; inscriptions in English and French on monument; and medium closeup of Gen Omar N. Bradley. 3) Ceremonies at Omaha Beach with two F-4s flying over, US 16th Air Force band playing; Gen Bradley, Maj Gen Cantwell and other allied officers mounting platform for ceremonies and the raising of American and French flags. 4) Ceremonies at Utah Beach with French Army, Navy and Air Force units parading; raising American flag; US Army 8th Infantry Division band playing; US Army and French Army units in formation; introduction of guests; and Gen Bradley speaking. 5) US Army Maj Gen Cantwell and others at American cemetery; American flag on mast; Gen Bradley and others laying wreaths at memorial; and US Army and US Air Force chaplains speaking. 6) Omaha Beach at dusk. 7) Royal Air Force personnel and US Air Force personnel at Omaha Beach memorial. 727' Total footage in reel. Reel 4 - l) Ceremonies at Saint-Lo with French Army band and troops facing parade route; high French official inspecting troops; US 16th AF band marching; Royal Canadian Mounted Police facing parade route; Gen Bradley leaving staff car; spectators; Royal Air Force "Lincoln" bomber flying over; Royal Marines parading; flyovers by four F-102As, four F-4s and four RAF "Lightning" fighters. 2) Ceremonies at Utah Beach with officials speaking, Gen Bradley and others laying wreath at US 4th Infantry Division monument. 313' Total footage in reel.